Associations between unrelated events

by | Sep 11, 2017 | author

Associations between unrelated events

Have you ever wondered how random unrelated events in our lives shape outcomes that we never expected? I had the wonderful privilege of speaking about the newly introduced Pathways Learning program organized by the Toastmaster’s District Team. It was a large audience from all Divisions in Oman. While addressing such a gathering that too on a lazy afternoon soon after lunch was a challenge and speaking on a subject that seemingly is very drab, dull and boring added further to the challenge.

I had to muster all possible creative ideas that I could, for me to keep the engagement on. The New Muscat International Airport was opened on 20th Mar 2018. The Pathways Program was also rolled out on 20th Mar 2019. Now these two specific questions formed the introductory questions that I quizzed the audience. I could then connect my talk of a newly launched training curriculum with a newly opened airport. This did bring in quite a bit of participation and certainly kept some of the drooping eyelids struggling under the compelling force of a weekend siesta.

It is Interesting how our brains associate two different events and discover unseen patterns… Do you remember such Associations between unrelated events? One of the books I would highly recommend that you read in this context is a book titled ‘Fooled by randomness’ by Nassim Nicholas Taleb.