
Best Selling Author

For one day the bell will ring and curtains will fall. One question to every prince and king: did you get your all?

Do you write for the audience? Do you write for yourself? – these are questions which I have grappled with as a writer of poems, stories, advertising copy or even blogs.

“For in the beauty of that white space

In the whiteness staring at your face

There remains stories to be uncovered

There resides tunes to be discovered”



Do you write for the audience? Do you write for yourself? – these are questions which I have grappled with.


However, I tend to agree with what Oscar Wilde writes in the preface to his Book, “The Picture of Dorian Gray”, “The artist is the creator of beautiful things. To reveal art and conceal the artist is art’s aim.”


After years of pushes, nudges and even threats from many of my friends and well-wishers, I gathered the courage and more importantly the thought of bringing out and sharing the varied writings that I had left in random diaries and digital crevices.


Writing has always given me wings and I took my flight to varied horizons with my random posts on my social media channels with topics ranging from life lessons to leadership and management experience.


Inasmuch as Poetry has provided me an immensely satisfying form of expression, I have also been actively into fiction writing, many of which have been published.

The Unseen Wings

Simple, soothing poetry that washes over your soul like a wave. Inspiration, that reveals to you unseen wings – that you never knew existed.


In The Unseen Wingsa collection of poems, Bipin takes us on a journey that connects with our heart and soul and resonates with our memories, our deepest feelings, hopes, fears and dreams. 

Continuing from the Vol 1, this collection of poems will delve deeper into human relationships and emotions that form the basis for our existence. 


You will be inspired to take on the complexities of life, with the realization that you indeed have powers that you never knew existed. You do have wings that you never knew existed. 


In The Unseen Wingsa collection of poems, Bipin takes us on a journey that connects with our heart and soul and resonates with our memories, our deepest feelings, hopes, fears and dreams. 


You will cherish this collection as Bipin, in his typical style, provokes your thoughts and leaves you inspired with messages that are profound, yet subtle. 


These are poems that will evoke a nostalgic smile, a random sigh and possibly some reckless tears. These are poems with universal themes, insightful observations – sometimes abstract, sometimes philosophical.


You will cherish this collection as Bipin, in his typical style, provokes your thoughts and leaves you inspired with messages that are profound, yet subtle. 


Script Writing, Copy Writing & Blogs

Sometime in the late 90s, I co-founded and advertising agency along with a friend. I would manage the Creative side while he managed the business. We had some amazing clients for whom we did some very successful and memorable campaigns. Those sleepless nights to meet deadlines, those non-stop tea and coffee and sleeping off on the desk was all forgotten when our ads were remembered and referred to later on.


Sometime in the mid 2000s, I started writing a blog on just random thoughts that came to me. I named it ‘4wordslash’ and remember giving a convoluted reason why I really loved that name. This blog was read only by a handful of folks who asked for more but in the run for keeping the kitchen fire burning, my blog-writing took a back seat. I have restarted that and promised myself that I will be consistent.

Want to become a writer?

Are you a writer looking to take your craft to the next level? Whether you’re an aspiring novelist, a freelance journalist, or a business professional who wants to improve your writing skills, Our course on “Improving Your Writing Skills” led by renowned author and writing coach, Bipin Kuriakose, is the perfect opportunity for you.This course is not just about improving your writing skills; it’s about transforming yourself into a confident and successful writer who can achieve your writing goals. Whether you’re looking to publish a novel, start a blog, or improve your business writing, this course will give you the skills and knowledge you need to succeed.

Don’t miss your chance to learn from one of the best in the business and transform your writing skills. Sign up today and start your journey to becoming a confident and successful writer!

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